Dec 12, 2010

Sea World

I safely arrived home this morning at 6.31 am. It was good to be home. S pick us at the airport this morning (poor baby have to wait for us so early in the morning but I know it was worth of waiting hee :D) and we straight away went for breakfast after a long hours in flight. I sleep the whole flight and only woke up to had early breakfast and went back to sleep and only managed to woke up a few minutes before landing. heh.

Anyway, lets continue my post about my trip to Australia. On the 6th, 7th and 8th we flew to Gold Coast and met my sister there (she was the last one to touch down because she only flew to Melbourne on the 5th). Well, it was a bad timing to go to GC that time. The minute we touch down rain start to pour bit by bit until we realized we were a bit wet. It was cold and windy and raining! Arghhh..bad start on GC.

We check-in into the apartment and walk around town to search for breakfast. It was still raining but not that heavy but rains!. We had kebab for breakfast!. Yes, kebab! because we were so hungry and that was the first thing we saw and it is HALAL.

The plan was to wait for my sister to arrived (which was around 3 pm). Then baru pegi jalan sama-sama but we kinda bored and decide to go to Harbour Town to jalan-jalan because it only takes 20 minutes to get there from Surfer Paradise but it takes 40 minutes to get to the airport later. Kesian la dekat my brother nanti kene drive jauh2. After that we made a decision to go to Sea World while waiting for my sister's arrival.

Look at the sky!

It was cloudy but I assume any minute it will rain anytime but we just stick to the plan and if we stayed at the apartment it be a waste of time going to GC without exploring anything (kan dah rugi satu hari nanti) . So we ignore the cloudy weather, open the map and start our 'journey' at Sea World.

What we did in Sea World was:

1) We watch the Pirates show (can't remember the full name of the show heh!). It was just a-okay. I did enjoy the show especially the stunt man/woman. By this time the rain has just stop so we have to wipe the seat.

2) Then we went to the Sesame Street Beach to catch a show at 1.30 p.m. We just wanted to kill the time because the sea lion show will only start at 2 pm. Most of the audience are kids under 5 years old. But we did enjoy the show. the middle of the show the rain start to pour again and went the show finished it was still raining so I was like 'hujan lagi..haih'. The best part was that we DON'T EVEN HAVE AN UMBRELLA! and we saw most of the visitors were wearing ponco/raincoat so we thought of buying it because my brother had to go to the airport to fetch my sister and to get to the car is quite far from the Sesame Street Beach and you know what it cost us AUD 5!. Yes, 5 dollar for a plastic 'dress' (cuba darab 3.06). Can't believe it was that expensive.

It was still raining and the sea lion show is about to start. So we have no other choice but to redah hujan lebat. We were soaking wet and it was so cold that day (I wore shorts and a white top!). Just look at the pictures below :)

Next stop was the dolphins show. Thank God it stop raining. Anyway, how I wish I own a dolphin. They are so cute and sangat manja!. Nak satu please! heh. If it wasn't for the dolphin I memang dah give up and ikut je abang I pegi amik kakak I dekat airport and then boleh terus balik hotel tapi sebab nak tengok dolphin sangat so I just gotta to finished my tour around sea world :)

Oh, not to forget the cute polar bears!. This was when we were on our way to see the dolphins. Sangat cute! Just look at the video I upload! arghhh! geram!. Kenapa la binatang macam nie tak boleh nak bela. hehe.

And that was the end of our trip to Sea World. Met my sister at the front gate then we went back to the hotel/apartment to rest a bit :).

p/s: this post was on draft. I sampai on Sunday sebenarnya :)

1 comment:

sHieRa cAkAp said...