Dec 4, 2010

Melbourne day 1

I safely arrived in Melbourne this morning around 10 am. The journey was OK because I slept all the way and only manage to woke up 2 hours before landing but slept again after breakfast and woke up again 20 minutes before landing. Super nice...hehe.

The weather is just nice to go for a walk. So after lunch we decide to go to the city. From my brother's apartment (near Crown) to the city is about 3km walk. Didn't do much. We just walk around and took some pictures. Supre was closed and I was upset because been wanting to go there after I arrive Melbourne. We had ice cream because the weather is being a bit mean (it was too hot ok! and we were so tired after a long walk)

Fresh Berries & Chocolate flavour

I forgot the name of the ice cream shop but it is something _______ Gelato hehe and it is located at the corner of the Melbourne Central (correct me if I'm wrong) and in front of this (maybe) Library building. so go figure :D.

My sister had the same flavour as mine. Mum had toblerone and chocolate flavour while dad had vanilla and blueberry yogurt (I think) hehe. The ice cream is just OK but the Fresh Berries flavour is good. Sweet and sour kinda taste :). Toblerone flavour is just like the chocolate flavour. The different of it that it is just a bit sweet and the colour is light chocolate.

After a long tiring walk at the city we decide to have dinner at Rich Maha because mum wants to have nasi briyani (macam nie kan the spelling? hehe). I shared with my mum because the portion is too much and I doubt I can finish it all.

Anyway all of us took the 'Lunch Special Meal' but my brother, dad and ija had it all to themselves (no, they don't share) and we managed to finished it all. The lunch meal includes Nasi Putih or briyani and two lauk of your choice. I had Nasi Briyani, chicken masala (which is so sedap and my favourite because it taste creamy and spicy) and chicken 65 (it is like sambal ayam or ayam masak merah kot but in indian cuisine version hehe :D). My dad, brother and sister had nasi briyani with chicken 65 and curry lamb (nie pun sedap as they said la. I don't eat lamb so I don't know) hehe.

Sorry, I don't have the picture of the food we ate because all of us were too hungry and by the time nak ambil gambar everything on the plate was gone already. hehe

We are waiting for my elder sister to arrive on Monday but we gonna see her at Gold Coast because she will straight away go to Gold Coast after she arrive Melbourne. The family will be complete once she arrive soon. Can't wait for that!.

Apart from that, I miss my S! Thank god for Skype and facebook. I malas nak beli number dekat sini because I can use my mum or dad's since they bought australia simcard :). I am not use to not seeing him more than ermm..1 day? hehe. We already plan what to do when I get back..which is to go MAKAN! hehe. Gonna add more to my 'what-to-eat' list later :D

Sorry's already 12 midnight here and I don't feel sleepy at all. Idea to blog tiba-tiba datang so I cepat-cepat la menaip dekat sini hehe. Suddenly I feel hungry even though I just had a few slice of bread cicah with kari ayam...yum yum!. Have to wake up early tomorrow because we are going to ermm...I don't really remember where but the journey is about 1 and half hours from Melbourne. I can't remember what we are going to do there but it is something to do with GOLD (if I tak silap dengar from my brother la haha). Ok, dah mengarut.

Good night lovely people. Have a wonderful Sunday ok?

*lets just hope I'm gonna blog about my trip here one by one (cross fingers) hehe*