Dec 15, 2010

2nd day at WB

The weather was actually just nice for us to go jalan-jalan at Warner Bros. Hujan sikit-sikit jer. Takde la lebat macam dekat Sea World tapi awan mendung tue macam saje jer nak mempermainkan perasaan orang. My sisters was actually excited about going up the rides so she ran quickly to the entrance because she thought it was going to rain soon (kalau hujan nanti roller coaster tak berfungsi hehe) plus the long que lagi.

First ride was the SUPERMAN. F.y.i I didn't went on to any of the ride except the scooby doo coaster :). I don't know how it feels like going on a ride so lets just enjoy the pictures okay?.

The Superman

We waited for them about 1 hour plus because the line was long!

Leathel Weapon

Waited for only 15 minutes here.

Then we watched 'The Journey to The Center of The Earth 4D'. Oh, guess what? HUJAN LAGI SEKALI! -_-' tapi dekat luar la. We were under the roof so tak kene la hujan :).

So I thought we were done with rides. Tiba-tiba my mum ajak naik Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster!. I was like 'biar betul mummy nie'. So 6 of us went in the line and wait for our turn. My oh my..i felt cheated!. It will be my first and my last ride! No more roller coaster after this!. Yela..dia indoor and GELAP so you can't see how the rides will go. (I gayat and I takut. I akan imagine macam-macam if naik roller coaster! haha). Mum and Dad was so cute!. They were like all talking to each other all the way saying like takut, okay ke tak, macam mane nie etc. but smile all the way. This kid who naik with my parents and brother dah naik 3 kali and dah tau dah lepas nie jadi macam mana and all. Siap dah tau camera dekat mane lagi! haha.

Anyway...I SURVIVED! haha

We missed taking pictures with the super hero because we were too busy watching the Scooby Doo show. My brother called us and no one pick up the phone. When he came to tell us we get up and run to the cat woman because that was the nearest. Wanted to take picture with Batman but the line was long and they only have a few minutes to spare with the 'fans'. So rugi!

Walk around WB. Took so many pictures which you can see on my facebook. Done with the rides. Too tired to walk some more. So I decide to sit and wait for my sisters and brother to finish their one last ride (ala..yang before we had our lunch. Penat ok. Satu hari berjalan. hehe

Random pictures that I personally love :)

The end of the journey to WB. Before we went through the exit, a-must-have-photo at the front gate with the WB sign! :).

1 comment:

Admin Wak said...

nice blog.. follow wak jugak ek.. hehe.. :D