Sep 9, 2010

Syawal datang lagi!!!

Just finished helping mummy bake 2 out of 3 types of kuih raya (i slept when my sister made chocolate chips heee :D). So today is the last day of Ramadhan and tomorrow will be the first day of Syawal. I can hear the takbir raya now dari surau and excited to go back to Seremban tomorrow to meet with all the relatives :) and most of all this will be my first time giving duit raya to the kids. So, I sangat la excited right now.

- Baju raya siap!
- Kuih raya siap!
- Rendang soon akan buat :)

So everyone...



Safe trip balik kampung ok? Berhati-hati di jalan raya. Kalau mengantuk berhenti dulu dan yang suka main mercun tue..dah2 laa..nanti putus jari takleh raya baru tau :p. Baik pegi makan lagi best :)

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