Just a quick update:
- Shopping raya with S and friends at Sg.Wang and Pavillion last Saturday and bought a few stuff (read: a few!) :D and loving all of them. All for less than rm200 :)

some of the stuff I bought :)
I went to Sg.Wang last Saturday with S and his friends. The main reason was to go get the jumpsuit that I've been wanting since god-knows-when. I was so excited to buy it but when we get there, selak punye selak 'omg!!! dah takde!!!'. Kecewa sungguh saya..haihh. Then, we went to another store to get the maxi dress and again! oohhmygod...takde jugak! kecewa lagi! but thank god ade second choice so, one maxi dress = DONE!. Dengan kekecewaan yang melanda..I just decide to grab whatever I feel like to buy! haha
Jadi..pembelian pada hari itu
1- blue jumpsuit
2- tutu skirt
3- maxi dress
4- boyfriend shirt
5- 3 pair of shoes (in the picture)
If only we have more time maybe boleh beli banyak lagi :p tapi bagus jugak la mummy suruh buka dekat rumah if not memang tak stop shopping sampai buka hehe. Went back home just on time for buka and with a big smile on my face :)
- Went for a visit to Rumah Titian Kasih, KL with some friends. It was so sad to see all the kids, OKU, orang tua :(. Tears drop when on of the kids said 'how does it feel to have mum and dad'..huwaaa..and that was the first question she asked!. I can't handle it anymore so I walk around the house.

- I finally cut down the puff and I'm so proud of it thanks to Ramadhan. Bulan puasa is almost over and I hope I still can maintain the amount of it :)
and lastly....

Huwaaa...just look at her! Love to sleep in the plastic bag. My god! how can I not love all my cats! Geramnyeeeee!!!
that navy stripe shoes! i was about to amik haritu..nooo~
heheh..it was on sale..if u buy any of their product..rm29! :)
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