Oct 10, 2010

It was on draft

Because I am too busy with foods, family, friends and boyfriend.

1) Weekend was definitely full with raya open houses (ok..minggu nie last raya and last nak makan banyak2 or is it dah habis pun raya? hehe). This is the reason why I gain another few kgs. Blame raya! and blame this tummy for always wanting food to be filled in 'it'. haha. No no, I really loveeeeeee my body right now. I am no longer worried about my weight!. My mum is so happy to see her daughter is back on track but the funny thing is that she worried that I gain so much weight and start babbling that I need to exercise haha..so cute!.

*sorry to whoever yang invite I tak datang to the open house. It was either I had a few houses to attend or I was busy doing some errands here and there.

2) I went shopping! he he he. Actually, it was random. I was at the Brand Outlet waiting for S to put all the stuff in the car and I was bored. So, I take a look around and saw a sign 'buy 1 free 1' and it was too cute not to buy it! haha. Pusing-pusing kejap then I decide to grabbed those shirts! haha. It was the typical baju kotak-kotak but still tak boleh la if tak beli! :D

3) My room is such a mess!. I need to do some spring cleaning but I just don't know where to start and I am lazy to do so but then I just bought a study table from IKEA and a few other stuff for my room. So, ada la semangat sikit nak kemas but still I am too lazy and sangat penat to do it on my own. Sikit-sikit la buat. Even if I have time on the weekend, I took that time to go to sleep or go out. heh. Bile tah nak siap kemas.

4) Another dinner date at Delicious right after work. I had fish burger and it didn't taste good (just wanted to try something else other than pasta :)). The bad thing was after a few bites, I rasa macam badan I panas gila and my lelangit gatal!. It was not comfortable at all. Then, S suddenly said 'kenapa u macam blushing gila!'. Oh my god, I pegi toilet muke I macam ter-0ver dose kene sunburn, the whole body turned red! and sangat gatal!. Thank god it was only like 20minutes I guess sebab masuk kereta kene aircond terus ok.Phewhhh

5) 2 month to go then I am off. I hope that everything will turnout well and I hope I can handle it. I am scared but I need this. I need this for me, you, us and the future!. I am excited but at the same time I am afraid that I maybe cannot do it. Having you around and support me in whatever I do is good enough :). Thank you!.

6) We went to Marriot, Putrajaya to celebrate mummy and daddy's birthday (dad on 22/9 and mum on 30/9). We had supper since the buffet finished at 10 :).

I think that's about it. I ada banyak sebenarnya nak update tapi I dah tak ingat apa benda yang nak di tulis :D sebab every time nak blog jer I ada benda lain nak buat. Post ni pun dah berapa hari on draft sebab update sikit-sikit. heh. Nie la kalau dah malas nak blog. I macam busy with works and nak kene prepare portfolio lagi. Adeii...malasnye!!!

Ok, good night everyone :)

p/s: oh, we turn 2! <3

1 comment:

Syima said...

babe u look so healthy and pretty =DDD