Jul 23, 2010

And so it is...

I am bored with facebook and not so addicted to twitter :).

When I'm at the office the first thing I do when I switch on the computer is go online. Check out what's new on facebook, tweet and then I start my work but I still do check my facebook in between work just to kill my 'mengantuk' :). Orang selalu nampak I online dekat facebook sebab I memang online 24/7, not just facebook..I tweet, I read blogs, I google stuff, I read hollywood gossips heee :D etc. (tak tipu..betul!). Saya dan internet cannot be separate..not even a second. That is why I bought a smartphone so that wherever I go I still can go online (even dekat dalam hutan :p) plus streamyx dekat rumah macam mengade-ngade lately nie. Jealous tak bagi I skype..pffftttt. Life saver = 'baby'.

So me and the internet macam 'couple' yang tak boleh dipisahkan. haha.

Oh, I'm just bored right now. That's why I blog :) *peace* and I survived 1 and half days! phewwww :p

This song keeps playing in my mind. I just love love lahh.. :)

Still, can't wait for tomorrow. Ok back to work!

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