Jun 1, 2010

I was stuck in a BAD traffic jam (bumper to bumper) for freaking 2 hours. The planned was to go back early because we wanted to celebrate my birthday and my parents I-have-no-idea-how-many-years-perhaps-27th anniversary haha. So, when the clock strikes 5 I quickly shut down the computer and BALIK!! Before that, I looked out the window and the traffic starting to build up because rains start to drop bit by bit :| but yours truly who was in a rush nak balik and sangatlah berfikiran positive thinks that 'oh..ala..nie jam sekejap jer nie baru pukul 5 kan' heh..

And boyyy..I was wrong!!! The traffic was built up till SRI PETALING! wtf?. Dari Ampang sampai Sri Petaling!! You have got to be kidding me! It was raining, not that heavy but still it was raining and the traffic was getting on my nerves! I was so sleepy and some of the drivers make me pissed! I have no idea how you guys pass your JPJ test. Give the damn signals la if you want to moved to the next lane. Erghhh!! Signal jer pun susah sgt ke nak bagi. Damn you drivers!

It was almost 6 and I am not even half way home! Seriously, I just can't handle it anymore. I feel like I just wanted to turn off the engine and just sleep in the car until the traffic was a-ok (haaa..berangan jer la). Well, I would do if I am desperately in need of beauty sleep haha but that won't happen la kan. I would make the traffic from bad to worst heh. So, the journey continue up til Sri Petaling. Sampai jer sana..I'm like 'what the hell?' what's the cause of traffic jam when there's not even a tiny winy bit problem when the road was clear (meaning no accident/kereta rosak).

Oh, thank God I listened to the radio and they said that the Besraya Highway (my everyday to work highway) was very congested. So, to Sg.Besi highway we gooo :p. I arrived home around 7++. I thought of 'sampai rumah nak tidur kejap before pegi Alamanda' ha ha ha..My sister called and said that I have to drive and bawak both of my sisters because my parents dah pegi 'dating' dulu sebab nak beli groceries. So no 'tidur sekejap' for me. hmm

Oh well, I didn't get to rest but my tummy is full now :). So here I am blogging and not sleeping after a very 'longggggg' journey back home from Ampang. haha. I am tired but my eyes says 'give it a couple more minutes..go continue watching ANTM cycle 14 on youtube' haha. No, seriously..I nak tidur tapi I tak boleh tidur. Asal tah..heh.

and..hmm..I deactivate my facebook account. I macam malas nak ber-facebook sebab nanti I tak buat kerja + I macam malas sebab I ade lagi 7 hari jer nak pergi. Kalau I ber-facebook nanti I lupe nak list down apa yang perlu di bawa (sampai now pun list tak buat lagi). My luggage is ready, my coat is almost ready and other stuff is not ready yet. hehe. I am nervous but excited at the same time. I cannot wait for this trip. It's been almost a year :)

Eh, dah la..this is not even a post ok! Sebenarnye I nak cerita pasal I bengang stuck dekat highway for 2 hours (macam balik Perak kot) padahal I nak balik rumah selalu half an hour jer. Nie macam dah merapu sampai benda lain hehe.

Ok, bye! Good night everyone!

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